Laura and Harry Potter del Lagehtto victorious in the Grand Prix of Goch
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- Freedom (7yo by Ultimo) was clear in the 1.25m class and finished fourth in the 1.35m class
- Harry Potter del Laghetto (12yo by Cardento) was ridden by Laura and showed two exemplary rounds in the Grand Prix of Goch on Sunday afternoon to finish first. The gelding was also clear in the 1.25m class before.
- Jericho (9yo by Diamant de Semilly) and Laurens became second in the Championat of Goch, a 1.40m class with jumpoff
- Maiki (5yo by Manchester van’t Paradijs) got the third rank in a 1.05m youngster class
- Mister Hornet DDH (6yo by Cornet Obolensky) and Laurens won the 1.15m youngster class with the score 8.4