Incanto VDL and Eleonora Sanna became fifth in the Junior Grand Prix

CSIO Compiègne (FRA) - Nations Cups

  • Incanto VDL (auction horse 2022) and Eleonora Sanna remained faultless in a 1.35m junior jumping competition, finished fifth in a 1.40m class and also finished fifth in the Junior Grand Prix
  • Cupfer and Eleonora Sanna were clear in the Nations Cup



  • Chattanooga EP and Lasse Nölting placed seventh in a 1.40m class and finished second in the Grand Prix, a 1.45m class with a jump-off
  • Javall Ryall (auction horse 2020) and Lasse Nölting placed in a 1.40m class


CSI2* Opglabbeek (BEL)

  • Alfa Jordan (auction horse 2012) and Suus Kuyten were clear in 1.40m and 1.45m classes


CSI Busto Arsizio (ITA)

  • Cornet Fifty MM and Alain Jufer were clear in all three classes they competed in and also got placings


CSI St. Tropez (FRA)

  • Grand Amour (auction horse 2023) and Anastasia Nielsen showed two clears in CSI* classes